hello again. +

well, this blog was to be about my relationship with love. didn't see the need to stop blogging here just because my very first encounter with what i thought to be love has ended.

i have definitely learned quite a bit from my run with "love". the one thing that stood out the most was how unsuited and unprepared i was for a relationship. i guess, given that it was long distance relationship, it should get some slack but overall, it still boiled down to me and my incompetency at human relationships. bleh.

one very certain lesson i learned was how i need to stay off the relationship wagon. no boyfriends for me in a long while for sho! 

lots of people think that i am still in the recuperation process ever since the break up. but the truth is, i was hurting a whole lot during the relationship and by the time i decided to end it, i was well on the way to healing. not to say that it was all bad, there were some silver linings worth remembering. (:

its been nearly a month and ever since then, i've had several encounters with subsets of love; none that i am paying attention to, none worth paying attention to anyway. its like suddenly i'm not invisible anymore and there's a big neon sign floating above my head that says AVAILABLE. its so odd, the number of guys i've met is a lot more now than when i was not available. they must have some sort of availability detector. :D

a part of me (a very stubborn one) wants to return to my days of daydreaming about romance and Korean dramas. i want a prince charming and a happily ever after. i don't want to settle. i want a love story.

but that's not gonna come by very easily, is it?

p.s. no more long distance relationships. it sucks balls. ):

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+ posted on Friday, May 18, 2012 at 3:42 AM